How we Help

We provide funds directly or, where a large sum is required, we form part of a funding group made up of other forces charities. Here are a small number of examples:
  • Participated in a funding group to provide a throughout downstairs concrete floor for a veteran who is wheelchair bound, his floor boards were rotting and he could not afford to replace the existing wooden boards. The concrete floor made it even and long lasting.
  • Directly provided communications and games equipment for returning injured solders whilst being treated in Birmingham and or undertaking rehabilitation at Headley Court.
  • Directly provided assisted living funds for a family member to have ground floor alterations whilst undergoing Cancer treatment.
  • Directly Paid the rent of a Falklands Veteran who had suffered a stroke while his benefits were being processed.
  • Directly provided a laptop computer to a Suez Veteran who had terminal cancer so he could keep in touch with his mates throughout the world using the club forum.
  • Directly assisted an Arnhem veteran with travel and accommodation funds for return to Arnhem.