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.................................................................................................................................The next Fandance is Sat 18th May 2024......................................................................................................................
.....................................................................................................................................TO PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEES .....................................................................................................................................Please set up a STANDING ORDER to: ............................................................................................................................... Lloyds Bank Sort code: 30-90-09 a\c No: 30516068
Having taken into account the current COVID restrictions that currently apply in the different parts of the UK, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 reunion.
The Chairman Nick Butler will be heading up the Fan at 0930 hrs on Saturday the 15th May and he will lay a BAFC wreath on behalf of the Club at the summit.
He will also toast The Fallen.
If other members wish to make their own pilgrimage up the Fan at their own risk please follow the relevant COVID restrictions that will be in place.
As a Club we are not able to accept liability for members safety and well being over the weekend of 14/15 May. Our Clubs insurance that normally covers Fandance will not operate this year.
Update to follow reference Aldershot 10 Miler on the 20th November 2021.
.........................................................................................................................The 10 Miler will be held on w/e Saturday 23rd November 2024........................................................................................
I was having senior moments at 19 / 20.
I jumped on a 3 tonner at west Molesey Police Station to go back to the shot, after the flood relief in Kingston On Thames in 68..... and left me webbing on the lawn. Fook meeee!!!! When I told CSM Nobby Menzies I thought he was going to give birth.
Sammy Angola Copeland had to drive me back to get it. War'nt that far (sniff). Me brain was water logged. I was the one in the water pushing the boat for three bastard days..... because Paras cant steer fookin' big assed assault boats full of civvies round streets n cul de sacs.
'Portal events' is always a good excuse. Apparently when you go from one room to another to get something,as you pass through the doorway,or 'portal',your brain reboots and wipes the memory out,so you get into the other room and think "What the f.ck did I come in here for?" Happens to me all the time,unless I mutter the task to myself as I go,making me look even dafter than most people think I am anyway!
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