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.................................................................................................................................The next Fandance is Sat 18th May 2024......................................................................................................................
.....................................................................................................................................TO PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEES .....................................................................................................................................Please set up a STANDING ORDER to: ............................................................................................................................... Lloyds Bank Sort code: 30-90-09 a\c No: 30516068
Having taken into account the current COVID restrictions that currently apply in the different parts of the UK, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 reunion.
The Chairman Nick Butler will be heading up the Fan at 0930 hrs on Saturday the 15th May and he will lay a BAFC wreath on behalf of the Club at the summit.
He will also toast The Fallen.
If other members wish to make their own pilgrimage up the Fan at their own risk please follow the relevant COVID restrictions that will be in place.
As a Club we are not able to accept liability for members safety and well being over the weekend of 14/15 May. Our Clubs insurance that normally covers Fandance will not operate this year.
Update to follow reference Aldershot 10 Miler on the 20th November 2021.
.........................................................................................................................The 10 Miler will be held on w/e Saturday 23rd November 2024........................................................................................
Strange innit ow tha gets cut short at inconvenient times. Used ta appen ta me when a went fer a run, so hop over a dry stone wall fer a fresh air tom tit, same when guin on a long bike ride and once nearly shit on a young Tawny Owl. Can,t bi sure whether it sed, "Twit" or "Twat!"
Bowel problems only seem to affect me on the way back to the house......after a gallon or so of Guinness! I remember one year at Brecon having to stop behind the bus stop halfway to camp and waving to Madhouse coming the other way as I unloaded my arse,hoping he had some tissues in his pocket. No such luck so it was dock leaves again!
An absolute bastard this getting old Steve. I saw the same in my mother and in the end had to stop her visits here as the stress of the travel sent her into a spiral of panic and anxiety. Hope the docs get the mixture right to help 'Er Indoors through this latest stage of a terrible disease!
Cheers, Pat. They changed her meds yesterday, and the new ones seem a bit better. She's sleeping a lot but doesn't seem as panicky. Been having a bit of a laugh and a joke so that's a good sign. I tell her, 'I'm here so what could possibly go wrong.' But for some reason, she doesn't seem convinced.
An absolute bastard this getting old Steve. I saw the same in my mother and in the end had to stop her visits here as the stress of the travel sent her into a spiral of panic and anxiety. Hope the docs get the mixture right to help 'Er Indoors through this latest stage of a terrible disease!
Mind you, mustn't grumble. Missus has it much worse. Suffering really bad anxiety and panic attacks lately. Doc put her on heavy meds and she's had a couple of bad falls. Life's pretty interesting at the moment. You don't know what the xxck is going to happen from one minute to the next.
You're lucky you can still walk around a supermarket Steve...i use the term lucky i it's loosest sense.
It's the only exercise I do nowadays, mate. Walk down the big hill and back with a rucksack on my back carrying the shopping. It's getting a bit more difficult, but like you say, lucky, for now.
These days a run round the supermarket ta try n beat mi record n now a do the Supermarket shoppin on mi Jack Jones. Wi the "Trouble" scrutinisin every fukkin item which took about 2 hours, av gorrit down ta 38 minutes includin gerrin theer n back!
I bet, like here when she shops, you have 2 or 3 of everything Dave.
These days a run round the supermarket ta try n beat mi record n now a do the Supermarket shoppin on mi Jack Jones. Wi the "Trouble" scrutinisin every fukkin item which took about 2 hours, av gorrit down ta 38 minutes includin gerrin theer n back!
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