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.................................................................................................................................The next Fandance is Sat 18th May 2024......................................................................................................................
.....................................................................................................................................TO PAY YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEES .....................................................................................................................................Please set up a STANDING ORDER to: ............................................................................................................................... Lloyds Bank Sort code: 30-90-09 a\c No: 30516068
Having taken into account the current COVID restrictions that currently apply in the different parts of the UK, we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 reunion.
The Chairman Nick Butler will be heading up the Fan at 0930 hrs on Saturday the 15th May and he will lay a BAFC wreath on behalf of the Club at the summit.
He will also toast The Fallen.
If other members wish to make their own pilgrimage up the Fan at their own risk please follow the relevant COVID restrictions that will be in place.
As a Club we are not able to accept liability for members safety and well being over the weekend of 14/15 May. Our Clubs insurance that normally covers Fandance will not operate this year.
Update to follow reference Aldershot 10 Miler on the 20th November 2021.
.........................................................................................................................The 10 Miler will be held on w/e Saturday 23rd November 2024........................................................................................
Honest Injun,that's what happened Corporal Kev!If I was supremely clever like Don I'd've moved it to the right thread,but I is too stoopid to do fings like that! I don't think anyone else realised till you pointed it out,(or they were just being sympathetic towards my senility,and computer choddery!)
Honest Injun,that's what happened Corporal Kev!If I was supremely clever like Don I'd've moved it to the right thread,but I is too stoopid to do fings like that! I don't think anyone else realised till you pointed it out,(or they were just being sympathetic towards my senility,and computer choddery!)
Being ex 3 all this white mans magic is a little beyond you
A very racist remark,which a millenial snowflake would take professional offence to,but I just accept it as constructive criticism.I have enough difficulty just getting on here,and posting the odd picture,which usually takes about 6 attempts and 3 hours,no matter how many times I do it.Don has tried instructing me in computery matters several times,but it just won't stay in there,so I have come to accept I'll never be the Stephen Hawking of this site,and am happier for it!
Pat - that has a similar sounding explanation to one I receive from a crow (soon to be ex-crow) in depot, it went something like “honestly corporal, I did not pull the trigger, it just went off.......”
Every Depot Platoon had one. 320 had Pvt Bird from Bradford....never forget him. On the SMG Range he had his working parts jammed halfway. Full mag.... finger on the trigger and held at the level and turning round and round in circles bleating
"Corporal ....'ere Corpral....Meeeee goon's stopped'. Round and round and round. Everybody hit the deck grovelling.. . 2Para Smokey Lloyd ran around in a half circle and leapt on his back. One hand on his shoulder and the other over his head (he was 6 ft 2in) and grabbed the barrel yanking it skyward. ...................................GONER....that day. Two of them from Bradford. His mate jacked days later and was posted to a County Reg.
Join the club Pat, that makes two of us. And whoever else is truthful enough to admit it !
Do not feel alone gentleman. I am the same.. I could play hangman on me first 'puter but after that....I can't up load / down load anything. I have only just been dragged into the world of texting. Thick as pig shit on a computer
"If they control your speech.....they control your life" Me
I don,t have a mobile, house dog n bone or compooter now. Smashed the fukkers ta smithereens after big fukk off argument wi the "Trouble". Much harder fer er ta gerrin touch wi plod. Fukkin tactics lads! Musta worked cos she now lets mi use er laptop but don,t know er password so av ta ask nicely fer er ta log me on. Best fukkin behaviour or wot!