Fandance 17- 19 May 2024
Make it a weekend of reunions and great fun. Get a chance to get reacquainted with lost friends and hearing all those stories you’d long forgotten. We warmly welcome those serving members of the Airborne Forces who would like to be part of our future.
There is accommodation @ Dering Lines for members only on a first-come-first-served basis. These pits will be available from (dates/arrangements TBC). For the more sophisticated and those bringing their partners, there are many good and friendly B&B’s in the town around the main BAFC event base at the Brecon Rugby Club (The old Blue Boar). For those who still prefer outdoor living, there are also a number of camping sites in the area.
The order of events are as follows:
Friday 17th May 1200 hrs: RV @ Brecon Rugby Club for those eager ones!
Friday 17th May 1200 hrs Accommodation @ Dering Lines is open
Saturday 18th May 1000 hrs: RV @ 0930 Storey Arms Car Park (Refreshments available) -head up Pen Y Fan 0945
Saturday 18th May 1500 hrs: BAFC AGM for members only @Brecon Rugby Club
Saturday 18th May 1830 hrs Auction and Hog Roast and then from 1930 hrs Disco, Dancing, Cabaret and Raffle – till late
Sunday 19th May Dispersal
You can join the BAFC prior to this event through our website or join during the weekend. The weekend is totally casual, wear what you want – Dessie’s, jeans and sweatshirts are welcomed.
Join us for this event – you won’t be disappointed!
If you’d like to become a member of the club please click below