Fan Dance is this weekend! An update from the Chairman

To all members of the BAFC and members of our Facebook group
Hi everyone
This weekend is the Brecon Fandance weekend and it’s our biggest fundraising event of the year.
We will be having our legendary auction and a raffle Saturday evening in the rugby club, approx 1900 hrs. By then you’ll have had a few drinks to loosen the locks on your wallets and purses ( ex mortar men)🤣
To kick off this fundraising week I would like you all to divide your age by 10 and then donate that figure to the BAFC. I’ve just kicked it off with a donation of £2.10 ( I wish 🤣)
Ray Larkin is 84 so he’s agreed to donate £8.40👍👍
I did this type of fundraiser last year and we received over £600 which was brilliant! We have more members now and people have also joined our Facebook group so please donate if you’re able to, all the money goes to help our Airborne brothers in their time of need. Many thanks everyone 🙏
Bank account details-
British Airborne Forces Club
Account number- 3051 6068
Sort code- 30 90 09
Looking forward to a great weekend.
All the best
Chairman 👍🪂🍻

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